
Gary numan wig
Gary numan wig

it turns out tonight that I was wrong and Gary was right.The intro to replicas began gary and his band who looked like they were beamed forward in time straight from the batcave entered the stage. I personally thought for both of these it didn't work and sounded wrong. I was moaning beforehand knowing Gary, like OMD and The Mission was going to play his album in the wrong order. It was very tribal synthy punk, a bit cure in places and a bit killing joke.very loud and very entertaining. Rubicks came on at 8pm.I was expecting a poor man's synth pop band who would probably pass the time ok,but no.It was a 3 piece with a female singer who played the kinda stuff toyah used to play before she started to sell lots of records.

gary numan wig

it looked like aclassic rock venue inside reminding me of the first Marquee Club when it was in wardour street. I've heard mixed things about this venue and considering I would be coming here a lot in future including Elbow next month I hoped the negative ones were wrong, they were. I noticed a fat bloke with dyed black hair and make up who probably at one stage in his life did resemble Gary Numan and he prob still gets blokes on building sites still shouting out at him that he looks like him, Gary is very big in Poland you see! we decided to join the queue at 630 it had grown quite a bit by then.

gary numan wig

We went to the pub where there was so many fit girls it was incredible.although they were students being loud and obnoxious but I was never aiming to spend the rest of my life with them only admire. "You're coming to see an old bloke who dyes his hair black and sings depressing songs if you like it or not!!!" wish someone took me to see gary numan when I was 8 or 9!! Also some had their children with them! now that's one way of getting round the baby sitter. this was 5pm and it was raining and there was already a gathering of rather ancient looking gary numan fans. the coach journey went smoothly, got there in time to get an elbow ticket from the box office. So then everything just went right from then on. I expected the call to say he wasn't coming but for once he actually pushed himself determined to go which i was glad of, he's been a numan fan as long as me. It was worrying at first as the night before my friend who I was due to travel up to oxford with kindly threw up outside my front door as he sat there for an hour not realising the time which was a few hours before i was due to return. yesterday one of those days but much much more.

gary numan wig

where everything goes right and give you such a wonderful feeling about life.

Gary numan wig